Geese and Wolf

Geese and Wolf

Geese and Wolf

Geese and Wolf

Monday, April 20, 2015

Srikanth Reddy, "Corruption"


 by Srikanth Reddy
I am about to recite a psalm that I know. Before I begin, my expectation extends over the entire psalm. Once I have begun, the words I have said remove themselves from expectation & are now held in memory while those yet to be said remain waiting in expectation. The present is a word for only those words which I am now saying. As I speak, the present moves across the length of the psalm, which I mark for you with my finger in the psalm book. The psalm is written in India ink, the oldest ink known to mankind. Every ink is made up of a color & a vehicle. With India ink, the color is carbon & the vehicle, water. Life on our planet is also composed of carbon & water. In the history of ink, which is rapidly coming to an end, the ancient world turns from the use of India ink to adopt sepia. Sepia is made from the octopus, the squid & the cuttlefish. One curious property of the cuttlefish is that, once dead, its body begins to glow. This mild phosphorescence reaches its greatest intensity a few days after death, then ebbs away as the body decays. You can read by this light.

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"Corruption" by Srikanth Reddy. All Rights Reserved. Reprinted with the permission of the author.

OCTOPUS: Orion Magazine | Deep Intellect

Orion Magazine | Deep Intellect

Friday, April 10, 2015

White God (Fehér Isten) (2015)

This film is now playing at the Del Mar--about dogs taking over for revolutionary action against oppressive human regime. An excellent example of an allegory that is also "really" about dogs.

Dark Matters Journal